Carmen’s Story

My story began in Nicaragua…

I arrived in the United States as a refugee in January of 2023. I was completely alone.

Because I disagreed with the corrupt government in my country, I was persecuted by those in political power. They pursued me with force and violence, causing me to lose all I had worked my whole life to achieve and compelled me to flee for safety in nearby Costa Rica.

But they didn’t let me go so easily.

They found me in Costa Rica and tried to destroy me and the life I was trying to rebuild there. I was threatened, violently assaulted, and left for dead on the streets of San Jose. They simply would not stop until they had taken my life.

Because of new and credible threats, I was granted approval to relocate to the United States of America as a refugee. When I arrived, I was very afraid and did not know one person in this country. I cried often and didn’t know if I would ever be o.k.

I was referred to Lighthouse Charities and began working in their linen reclamation program. After only a few days, I began to feel well again. This was a family! I wasn’t alone anymore. For the first time in many years, I feel safe. I am in a place where I feel loved and valued.

I have become part of a family where I can see other women who are happy and successful. I see a woman who, like me, has endured great hardships and oppression. But she smiles. And she is happy.

And I see her and tell myself that if she can, I can too.


Josephine’s Story