Lighthouse Blog
The Gift of Giving with Stephen Murray
Watch Cindy and Francoise tell the story of Lighthouse Charities in this marvelous interview with The Gift of Giving host, Stephen Murray.
Lighthouse Charities is “growing”!
"Gardening is the greatest tonic and therapy a human being can have." ~ Audrey Hepburn
“It is so good for us to learn this!”
Because of the job training programs at Lighthouse Charities, these sisters will be better prepared to succeed as they pursue their dreams and make a new life in our community.
Getting to know Frosted Bakery
Frosted Bakery is so much more than just your favorite neighborhood bakery!
What’s So Special About ESL Classes at Lighthouse Charities?
The ESL program offered to refugee clients at Lighthouse Charities is extremely unique!

What We Do
Women's Development Center
We provide a number of vital services that help women build the skills necessary to thrive.
ESL Program
A shared langauge is crucial for success. We help individuals break communication barriers.
Corner Market
This program provides job opportunities and a funding pathway for our other support services.
Support Lighthouse Charities
Your financial contribution will help bring healing and restore hope to those who are seeking a better life in our community.